Wednesday, April 25, 2007

800s at AHS

Today we met for 800s at AHS. Big storms came through this morning so the trail was a little soggy and so was the track. It was cooler our there so that was nice. The M/W crew is starting to build some steam, but there still aren't too many fast people there. Alex is on our schedule this week due to the race next week, but he had to run by himself and was lapping everyone. Alex, Brian and me had to do 8x800 while the rest of the peeps did a number of 400s. The OK City crew was off doing fartleks.

After yesterday's workout my legs weren't really cooperating on the jog over and through the warmups. G told Brian and I to run in the 3:25 range. Our first repeat was way slow at 3:40, but we got into range for the next 7 going 3:26, 3:26, 3:21, 3:22, 3:23, 3:20, 3:10. We averaged 3:24 which was perfect for this workout.

Stats - 8.56 miles


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