Monday, July 02, 2007

Circuit Time

Today was circuit day. It is probably my least favortite workout, but I know it is good for me. I just like to run and the non-running exercise part just isn't that fun. Anyway, enough of the whining. Parts of the trail are still under water so we headed towards and over Congress to make the warmup a little longer. Once we got to AHS we did a lap and then started the circuits. We did the normal exercises and G added pullups and medicine balls to the routine. I avoided the medicine ball because last time it messed up my back and neck, but I tried to do some pullups and actually almost did one...LOL! I am getting stronger, but pullups have never been a friend to me. I did 4 sets of exercises and then we moved to the red square for some core work and some fast feet. I did really well with the core stuff and the "sitting" fast feet drills kicked my butt. I jogeed back with Jay, Alex and some other folks. They turned off at Pfluger and I kept going to Congress to get a longer cool down in.

Stats - 6.06 miles
AHR - 123
MHR - 140


Blogger Jay said...

The gym/exercise stuff isn't as fun as running, but we know it's good for us. Hopefully, we can both do the full complement of pullups by September. :-)

July 03, 2007 11:05 AM  

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