Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Last Austin Workout Before Race Day

Today was my last Austin workout before race day. I met a couple of friends at 6:30AM at Robert E. Lee for a brief warm up and some diagonals on the field. We did a little out and back for a total of 1.5 miles and then did 20 minutes of diagonals on the "football" field that was painted in the park. I ended up running 2.16 miles worth of diagonals. The grass was a bit thick and wet, but the footing was pretty good and we didn't have to worry about the dog crap that is all over Auditorium Shores. It was a nice morning.

When I got home, I saw the latest forecast which isn't the best. It is supposed to be around 70 for the low on Sunday AM with a high in the mid 80s. I am trying to stay positive, but that weather sucks for a big guy like me. I will still give it my best on Sunday. You never know what kind of race day magic will happen. After my massage and chiropractor visit this afternoon I must say that I feel the best I have felt before a marathon since I joined the Gazelles. I think the hard work in the gym and during the running workouts has paid off.

I want to thank all my friends for their support this summer during my training and for all the good wishes via email and on my BLOG. Larry, Steve, Vasil, and Alicia...I couldn't have done it without you this summer!

Stats - 3.66 miles


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