Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yasso 800s at AHS

Today I got up early and met the group for 800s at AHS. It was still cold this AM so I put on compression shorts with tights and 3 layers up top. I only needed two layers, but I wanted a top layer to keep warm after the workout. We jogged over to AHS, did our drills and then started 8x800 with two minutes rest in between. I ran with Liliana, Larry, Randy and a guy that I don't know. G said 3:15 to 3:20 for our group and that was perfect for me. The first repeat was too slow which seems to be the trend with me, but we got in a good rhythm and G told me to hold back when we ran a 3:13. The splits were 3:25, 3:20, 3:15, 3:13, 3:15, 3:19, 3:16, 3:10 for an average of 3:17. I felt really good through the mid section, but had to really focus for the last two repeats. It was a good workout and I am feeling good with 11 days to go until the marathon.

Stats - 8.77 miles
MHR - 166


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