Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Run in the 'Hood

Today I skipped the Gazelle workout and ran in Circle C. My allergies are still crazy and I am trying to avoid a sinus infection so the extra 90 minutes of sleep were much today was Tempo race and the I didn't feel like putting my knee at risk in the dark. I did an out and back up Escarpment and picked it up after two miles. I really like this run because it is a bit hilly and the road doesn't have a bad camber. The first two miles were at about 8:30 pace and the last 4 were in the 8:10 - 8:16 range. I was really focusing on quicker turnover as I ran. I stretched when I got home and called it a day.

Stats - 6.01 miles/49:58/8:18 pace
AHR - 139
MHR - 157


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