Wednesday, July 09, 2008

1000s at AHS

Today we met for 1000s at AHS. The goal was 6 repeats with a 200 walk/jog in between (2:30 rest). I haven't done these in a long time and was surprised at how good I felt during the workout. My legs were a little dead after my gym day. I am hoping that eventually I won't feel this tired. I need to get up earlier on Thursdays to get in my run and get in a second, quick weight workout.

As for the workout we did our drills and then broke into groups. We had at least 10 folks. I led the first and slowest of the repeats and then stayed near the back for the remaining five. It was really humid today and I wore a t-shirt so I suffered a bit as the shirt got soaked. I had to expose my gut for the last two repeats when I took off my shirt, but I didn't seem to scare anyone!

Repeats - 4:37, 4:35, 4:24, 4:24, 4:15, 4:08

For this stage in my training I was very happy with my times. I did some stretching at home and called it a day.

Stats - 8.27 miles
AHR - 129/169


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