Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Wednesday at Wilke

Today we joined the rest of the fall marathoners for some fun climbs at Wilke. We ran from RunTex Riverside to the hill, did our drills and got our instructions from G. We were supposed to do 7-10 forward, 3 backwards, and then 3 of the sprints at the top. I got through my first few repeats OK and felt stronger than the last time we did these. After 5, I started to feel tired. G told me to stick with 7 which was a relief. I finished my last two strong and then went halfway down the hill to do my 3 backward repeats. Those hurt worse than going forward. I really focused on my form for all my repeats and didn't get yelled at so I must have done them right.

I was beat after the run and we jogged back pretty slowly. The rest of the day I was really out of it. I think I am still a bit tired from my travels and the intensity of the week is catching up with me.

Tomorrow is another 7 mile recovery run; Friday is a rest day, and then we have the 20 miler on Saturday...WOO HOO!

Stats - 8.55 Miles
AHR - 130
MHR - 167


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