Wednesday, August 03, 2005

1000s at AHS

Today it was back to the track for some 1000 meter repeats. I haven't been on the track in a long time. Carla had to shake me awake this AM, so my body is really tired. I made it to RunTex on time and headed out on the trail over to the high school. I don't know many folks in this new group which kind of sucks. I can't wait to rejoin the Tues/Thurs group after this race is over.

I got segmented into a small group with Anne and a guy named Aaron. Sean bailed this AM since he is still feeling sick. The goal was to run 8 repeats in the 4:00-4:10 range. G gave Anne and I a reprieve since we are running the 5k tomorrow night. The first one was really slow; we picked it up too much for the second and swung back to the slow side for the third. We finally found our groove for the 4th and 5th ones and I picked it up for the 6th one.

04:16.4, 04:01.0, 04:14.7, 04:06.7, 04:05.5, 03:56.5

My legs felt really good after the 3rd repeat. It takes awhile for my "older" body to get going. Anne and I did five 200 meter repeats afterwards and I ran back to RunTex and headed over to the office.

The 5k is tomorrow night and I may do some weights on Friday. The best part is that I get to sleep late two days in a row!

Stats - 8.65 Miles
AHR - 124
MHR - 173


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