Wednesday, April 12, 2006

600/400 Ladder at AHS

Well the cool morning weather is going away. Today it is in the high 60s and humid. We headed off, got to AHS and did our drills. There was another Rogue group there so it was kind of crowded. The workout was to run a 600, jog 200, then run a 400 with two minutes rest in between each set. I started out with Rich and Marcy and then we were joined by a new guy. Rich and the new guy just blasted them out. Marcy and I held our own and went really fast. Each repeat was faster except for one and the averages were really solid.

2:21.3, 1:33.1
2:20.2, 1:29.6
2:18.4, 1:30.6
2:16.1, 1:24.9

600 Ave 2:19.0
400 Ave 1:29.5

We jogged back and I headed off to the gym where I did my leg and ab exercises. My knee feels really good today. I am going to rest tomorrow before our long run to Mt. Bonnell on Friday. I am going to try and run 5 miles in Houston on Saturday and will take Easter Sunday off.

Stats - 7.25 miles


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