Wednesday, December 06, 2006

600/400 Repeats at AHS

Today we met for repeats at AHS. The temps were about 20 degrees warmer than yesterday which was nice. I don't like being really cold, but enjoy the mid 50s for training. The workout today was to run a 600, jog a 200, run a 400 and then active rest for 2 minutes. G wanted 5 sets and I stuck to that number instead of slacking like I have lately. I started out with some fast guys and they left me. For the second repeats I jumped back with some ladies, Bonnie, Norma and Cindy. Cindy trained with us over the summer, but I just met Bonnie and Norma today. They were really good at pacing and we had come consistent times for the 2nd and 3rd repeats. We picked up the pace a bit for each of the last two, but it didn't feel like it. G yelled at me a few times about my left foot. I guess it tends to flop a bit so I need to concentrate more.

It was a good workout and I felt good afterward. I jogged back with Jay and we were able to catch up a bit. I got back to RunTex and visited more with Jay and Brian and it was off to the gym for a light stretch and some ab work.

Repeats -
2:35.0, 1:47.0
2:36.8, 1:45.7
2:35.5, 1:41.8
2:31.8, 1:36.1
2:23.3, 1:33.4

Stats - 8.01 Miles


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