Monday, April 30, 2007

Taper Week - 3000 at Zilker

Today I met the Indy boys for the beginning of taper week. Today we did a 3000 at Zilker. We jogged over in the rain and did our drills. We all spread out as we took off. I forgot my watch so I was just running how I felt. It was so humid, I felt bogged down, and it got a bit dicy along Barton Springs due to the wet roads and mushy shoulder. Once I passed the start I seemed to settle in. I finished and then counted some "Mississipis" until Brian came in so I could try and figure out how long it too me to finish. I guessed at 12:49 which was about a 7:03 pace. It was a bit faster than I plan to run on Saturday, but no biggie. We jogged back from the railroad tracks on the trail.

I headed to the gym and just did my arm, ab, and back exercises. I figured I would give my legs a week off. I will head back to the gym next week and get back on my full program to get ready for Chicago. My foot still feels weird. I know it is the onset of plantars so I have to be really careful.

Stats - 5.61 miles


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