Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day 10 Miler

Today was our traditional 10 mile simulated race on the trail. We met at 6AM from all different directions and converged on the Zilker soccer fields to warm up. We ran the 2k loop for a warm up and then did our drills. We usually do the 10 mile loop for the run, but there was a triathlon going on at Auditorium Shores so we had to start at the 1 mile marker and do 5 miles out and back. The turn around point was near the softball fields on the east side of I-35. Gilbert sent us off and I was hoping to run near my MGP on the trail. I did really well the first 6 miles going 7:41, 7:37, 7:45, 7:49 (water), 7:43, and 7:36. I slowed down after the 2nd water stop between mile 6 and 7. My last 4 miles were 7:59 (water), 7:45, 8:05, and 7:51. I think I just lost my concentration the last couple of miles. I still ended up with a decent pace including water stops and didn't feel like I was totally spent when I finished. There was definitely something left in the tank. My heart rate numbers were good and I didn't red line too bad. I think I was a couple of minutes slower than last year, but no biggie. I did a little cool down run with Jay back to the cars and then we headed over to Barton Springs for a soak.

Stats - 12.17 miles
Simulated Race Stats - 10 miles/1:17:56/7:47 pace
AHR - 154
MHR - 162


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