Wednesday, March 18, 2009

800s at Arbor Trail

Today I headed out for 800s at the Arbor Trail. This place is so convenient. I can get in my workout and then go lift afterward right across the street. The trail is also a lot less abuse on my body which is nice. I did about a mile and a half warm up and then did 5x800 with a goal of 2:00 in between. I was faster with each repeat which was nice. The rest period was a bit off because I was running with Wish and he had some different reference points than the trusty Garmin.

Splits - 3:30, 3:28, 3:26, 3:23, 3:20 - Average - 3:25

This set was about 10 seconds overall average faster than right before the marathon. I guess my extra work in the past month is paying off. I am excited to see how it translates to the Cap 10k in a couple of weeks.

I did my weight routine, abs/back, and then stretched. It was a really good workout.

Stats - 6.38 miles


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